Youth Tour

NRECA Youth Tour in Washington D.C.(High School Juniors and Seniors)

Check back in late 2024 for application details.

The NRECA Youth Tour to Washington D.C. provides students with a seven-day adventure that offers in-depth exposure into the electric cooperative network while exploring our nation’s capital. Expenses, including airfare, lodging, meals and all admission fees will be paid by YVEA. Students will come away with not only a better understanding of their state and national governments, but also their local electric cooperative and related organizations. Every June, about 1,500 students from all parts of the United States spend a week in the capital. Former President Lyndon B Johnson inspired the Youth Tour when, as a U.S. Senator, he addressed the NRECA Annual Meeting in 1957 and stressed the importance of educating our nation’s youth and sending them to Washington D.C. where they learn more about our government and our history. Past tour participants have seen the U.S. Capital, Colorado State Capital, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Mount Vernon, Vietnam War Memorial, National Holocaust Memorial, White House, Potomac Dinner and Dance Cruise, Iwo Jima Memorial, FDR Memorial, Smithsonian Museums, and National Cathedral. In addition, they meet and visit with our Colorado Senators and Representatives.

For additional information please contact Carly Davidson or by calling (970) 879-1160. Applications can be emailed to